2007年8月17日 星期五

94年 ENT 考題17~33

第17~33題 黃底的選項為正確答案
17. 一次小兒急性中耳炎發作,約有幾% 在3個月後仍有中耳腔積液?
A. 10 %
B. 20 %
C. 30 %
D. 40 %

出處:P. 1079 在HIGHLIGHTS 的第4點

18. 相較於一般室內氣體,有關中耳腔氣體成份之敘述,下列何者正確?
A. O2濃度較低
B. CO2濃度較低
C. N2濃度較低
D. O2, CO2, N2三者濃度皆較低

出處:很抱歉,目前仍找不到出處;如果找到出處的話會再mail給大家 sorry!!

19. 垂直局部喉切除(vertical partial laryngectomy)之適應症,何者不正確:
A. 腫瘤局限於單側聲帶,但前聯合及arytenoid body不可有侵犯
B. 腫瘤於下聲門之侵犯少於5 mm
C. 聲帶仍可移動 (mobile)
D. 局部復發性而非第二原發癌

出處:P. 1473【Open Partial Laryngectomy】這個段落的第19 - 22行
另外 contraindications 則參考第22 – 26 行
Indications for VPL and laryngoplasty are tumor involvement of the anterior commissure, externsion to involve the vocal process of the arytenoid, selected superficial transglottic lesions, and carcinoma recurring after radiation therapy. The contraindications for any of these procedures include a fixed vocal cord, involvement of the posterior commissure, invasion of both arytenoid cartilages, bulky transglottic lesions, and lesions invading the thyroid cartilage.

20. 聲帶結節及息肉,其病理變化最常見發生於:
A. covering epithelium of the vocal fold
B. superficial layer of the lamina propria
C. intermediate layer of the lamina propria
D. deep layer of the lamina propria

出處:P. 617【POLYPS】這個段落的第8 - 11行 arising in the subepithelial layer of
loose connective tissue, commonly referred to as the Reinke space

21. Reinke’s edema 之病人除有抽菸習慣外,也可能有下列狀態:
A. vocal hyperfunction
B. laryngopharyngeal reflux
C. hypothyroidism
D. all of above

出處:P. 617最後2行一直到P.618的第一段結束

22. 有關小兒鼻竇炎之併發症,下列何者為非?
A. 眼窩蜂窩性組織炎及膿瘍造成的視力損失,部分是因為視神經遭壓迫,部分是因為視神經炎
B. 腦膿瘍 (brain abscess)是最常見的顱內併發症
C. 鼻竇的感染最常經由小靜脈擴散至眼窩
D. 眼窩蜂窩性組織炎及膿瘍使用靜脈注射抗生素治療時,要注意抗生素是否能通過血-腦障壁 (blood-brain barrier),以避免顱內併發症

出處:P. 956【Orbital Complications】這個段落的第6 - 9行
Infections from the sinuses can spread to the orbit through the arteries, veins, or rarely lymphatics but more often by direct extension through a dehiscence in the lamina papyracea.

23. 下列何者為非?
A. 急性鼻竇炎,大人和小孩最常見的致病菌類似,為Streptococcus pneumonia, Haemophilus influenzae, 和Moraxella catarrhalis
B. 慢性鼻竇炎大人常見培養出厭氧菌,小孩則很罕見
C. 平均來說,急性鼻竇炎的症狀要來得比慢性鼻竇炎嚴重
D. 鼻竇炎的抗生素治療通常至少需要十天,而常常到三個星期甚至更多

出處:P. 352【MICROBIOLOGY OF RHINOSINUSITIS】的倒數第14行 chronically
infected sinuses in both adults and children usually grow anaerobic bacteria

24. 下列關於鼻竇手術的併發症,何者為非?
A. 暫時性失明 (Blindness) 可能由眼框血腫(orbital hematoma)引起
B. 如果傷及前篩動脈,前篩動脈縮回眼球內並引起眼窩快速血腫,減壓措施必須要在15至30分鐘內執行,以避免失明的危險
C. 由於上頷竇天然開口只距離鼻淚管3至6mm,所以我們在擴大上頷竇竇口時,不得擴大至中鼻甲前緣之前
D. 依定義, 眼框血腫(orbital hematoma)是由眼臉膈前傷害 (preseptal injury)所引起

出處:P. 407 【Orbital Hematoma】這個段落的第6行 orbital hematoma is by definition
a postseptal injury

25. 下列何者為非?
A. 高腳杯細胞 (goblet cells)的密度在上頷竇的密度最高
B. 關於黏液纖毛運輸 (mucociliary transport),在上頷竇為由底部往竇口運輸,在額竇則由外側壁到頂部,再由頂部到內側壁再至洞口
C. Onodi cell是後篩竇泡延伸,據統計比例為9~12%
D. 側板 (lateral lamella)是篩板 (cribrifrom plate)外側的構造,其長度取決於篩板和篩竇小窩 (fovea ethmoidalis) 的距離

出處:P. 327 見左下的figure 28.5

26. 下列有關於猩紅熱(Scarlet fever)的敘述,何者為非?
A. 屬於急性葡萄球菌咽扁桃腺炎(Acute staphylococcal pharyngotonsillitis)
B. 常伴隨著全身性的紅疹,由軀幹往四肢分佈
C. 理學檢查可見草莓舌(Strawberry tongue)
D. 可以做細菌培養來加以鑑定

出處:P. 546 第3段 Scarlet fever is an acute streptoccocal pharyngotonsillitis

27. 為確定單側聲帶麻痺之神經受傷位置,喉肌電圖檢查應至少檢查那兩條喉內肌?
甲、杓間肌 (2) 甲杓肌 (3) 環甲肌 (4) 環杓肌
A. (1), (2)
B. (2), (3)
C. (2), (4)
D. (1), (4)

出處:P. 610 第一段的第4 – 6行
Because the thyroarytenoid and cricothyroid are easiest to access using an EMG needle, they are the primary muscles studied. Information about recurrent and external braches of superior laryngeal nerve function can be obtained by testing these two muscles.

28. 關於阻塞型睡眠呼吸中止症侯群(obstructive sleep apnea syndrome)之敘述,何者為非?
A. 成年人之睡眠呼吸干擾系數(respiratory disturbance index)大於5者為異常
B. 打鼾及白天嗜睡為最常見之臨床表現
C. 多項睡眠生理檢查(Polysomnography )為最重要之診斷工具
D. 外科手術是第一線也是首先必須嘗試的治療方式

出處:P. 588

29. 有關小兒氣切之敍述何者為非?
A. 通常必須切除部份氣管前壁以便置入氣切管
B. 氣切管直徑和病人年齡及發育有關
C. 最常見之早期合併症為氣切管阻塞或滑脫
D. 最常見之晚期合併症為氣管肉芽組織增生

出處:P. 919【TECHNIQUE】這個段落以及P.920 – 921小兒氣切的圖解

30. 治療單側聲帶麻痺的手術有很多種,但其治療目的主要不在恢復患者之何種功能?
A. 聲門之閉合(glottal closure)
B. 聲帶張力之對稱(Symmetric stiffness)
C. 聲帶垂直位置之平衡(Equal vertical position)
D. 聲帶運動性(vocal movement)

出處:P. 614 – 616

31. We often keep stay (traction) sutures placed lateral to the tracheal incision at the final step of pediatric tracheostomy.
A. easier access for cleaning the wound
B. easier replacement of a displaced tube
C. a way to anchor the tracheostomy tube
D. a way to secure a ventilator hose to the tube

出處:P. 919的第19 – 22行

32. Which of the following is the best indicator to define the anatomic level of airway obstruction?
A. blood gas level
B. respiratory rate
C. posturing
D. respiratory phase during which stridor occurs

出處:P. 895【Stridor】這個段落的第3 – 12 行

33. Which of the following procedure should be done immediately after the removal of a bronchial foreign body from a young child?
A. obtain an immediate postoperative chest radiograph
B. perform a repeat bronchoscopy for a possible second foreign body
C. start systemic corticosteroid
D. obtain cultures of the foreign body and begin antibiotic therapy

出處:P. 930的第3 - 9行
